5A: General Laboratory Operation
- Include a general descriptive statement about how laboratory operations are guided (GMP, GLP, GcLP, exploratory research, other), such as: These studies were conducted in a laboratory that operates under _________ principles. This statement should cite a published reference that describes the standard, if applicable.
- Include a general descriptive statement about any laboratory accreditations and certifications (e.g., CLIA, CAP), if applicable, such as: The laboratory in which these studies were conducted has the following certifications: ________.
- If laboratory is subject to regulatory audits by external agencies, list that information, specifying the agency, the procedure the audit was intended to evaluate, and the dates of the last audit.
5B: Laboratory Procedure Standardization
- Include a descriptive statement about the status of the methodological protocols (investigative protocols, established laboratory protocols, standard operating protocols, other) employed to generate the reported data sets, and the scope (which parts of the experiments) such as: These studies (or specific parts thereof) were performed using ______________ protocols.
Note: This description can be included in this module, or added to the assay specific sections described in modules 1,2, 3,4.
5C: Status of Assay Qualification and Validation
- Include a descriptive statement about the status of the assays employed (general research investigative, qualified, validated, other) to generate the reported data sets, such as: These studies were performed using _______________ assays.
Note: This description can be included in this module, or added to the assay specific sections described in modules 1,2, 3,4)
- Specific performance criteria (e.g., Precision, Limit of Detection, etc.) for the assays employed may be described.